Life! New and Improved!

Jonathan is joined by the Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Western Louisiana, Jake Owensby to discuss Jake’s book A Resurrection Shaped Life: Dying and Rising on Planet Earth. Make sure to check out Jake’s website.

Jake Owensby wrote a book! Actually, Jake has written a lot of books, but concerning this episode, Jake wrote a book about living the “resurrection life.” Or to perhaps put it in other terms, a book about living one’s faith seriously.

It is one thing to say that being a Christian means being a nice person and trying to live with a certain set of values and ideals, but Jake is calling us to look at the center of the Christian faith, the resurrection, and to consider how the resurrection impacts those morals, values, and the very ways that we live. We are not just called to be good people, but to be people who see the world differently, to see the world with a potential for redemption because of the resurrection. It was a great conversation.


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