Kitchen Table Spirituality 7 - Scripture
A Wednesday night devotional - this week: Scripture
Read MoreA Wednesday night devotional - this week: Scripture
Read MoreA Wednesday Night devotional - this week; wilderness
Read MoreFaith is a wonderful thing. Believing in God, in Jesus, and having a sense of belonging and being loved is a wonderful thing. Being a part of a church community can be a wonderful thing. Yet there is the risk and danger of being lured to a place of expectation and assumptions of what it means to be a person of faith. There are multiple expectations and assumptions that we layer on ourselves and others and that can become suffocating in our walk with God.
Read MoreA time of devotion and prayer - the topic for this episode: Grief
Read MoreA Wednesday night devotional.
Read MoreThe medium of the graphic novel tells a story in a way that sets it apart from other forms of media. There is something that can be seen, that adds to the experience via the visual medium that just words cannot convey. The colors, the lines, the illustrations share experiences and feeling that pull at the reader in a way that words may not. We should look to the value that can be found in such approaches to telling stories and sharing experiences. What our eyes see in the pictures creates experiences that words may not.
Read MoreDevotion and prayers for Wednesday night at 7pm
Read MorePastors Charley Eastman and Jonathan Malone offer this Wednesday Night devotional - the topic, Generosity
Read MorePastors Charley Eastman and Jonathan Malone offer this audio Wednesday night devotional. If you can, listen at 7pm on Wednesday, and know that you are listening with many others. You are not alone.
Read MoreIt is easy to lose a sense of sacred time in the rush of our secular demands and responsibilities. We can forget the joy of Christmas, the solemnity of Lent, or the anticipation of Advent when we are pulled back to the mundane by the small things. Music is something that can infuse those moments, offering the subtle hints and reminders of what this time is about.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be blessed? And why is it that God seems to favor those whom society does not view as blessed? Listen to find out!
Read MoreThe ways that we do history impact and shape our understandings of who we are and how we are to be. It is important for us to be deliberate and critical about the questions we ask and the ways that we look to answer those questions.
Read MoreWord have meaning. Scripture has meaning. But who gives the meaning? Jonathan says he does. Michael is a little more hesitant and humble, but only a little. There is meaning waiting to be found!
Read MoreWhen hiking with people, you need to be flexible
Read MoreSpirituality and faith can be found in many different places, including the songs of The Mountain Goats.
Read MoreAfter ruminating about the joy of hiking alone, we realize that it is also a great thing to hike with other people. People can be good.
Read MoreIt is one thing to say that being a Christian means being a nice person and trying to live with a certain set of values and ideals, but what if we look at the center of the Christian faith, the resurrection, and to consider how the resurrection impacts those morals, values, and the very ways that we live. We are not just called to be good people, but to be people who see the world differently, to see the world with a potential for redemption because of the resurrection.
Read MoreIn the wilderness one of the best places to meet people is in those glorious structures know as lean-tos.
Read MoreWe have created roles, rules, and expectations for people based on their gender, and in doing so we have caused harm to ourselves and to creation. There is much to be gained by breaking down those walls and encountering the fullness of God in each one of us.
Read MoreHiking alone is very different from solo hiking. One is refreshing and the other can be isolating.
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