Honest Faith?

Faith is a wonderful thing. Believing in God, in Jesus, and having a sense of belonging and being loved is a wonderful thing. Being a part of a church community can be a wonderful thing. Yet there is the risk and danger of being lured to a place of expectation and assumptions of what it means to be a person of faith. There are multiple expectations and assumptions that we layer on ourselves and others and that can become suffocating in our walk with God.

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A Story... With Pictures!

The medium of the graphic novel tells a story in a way that sets it apart from other forms of media. There is something that can be seen, that adds to the experience via the visual medium that just words cannot convey. The colors, the lines, the illustrations share experiences and feeling that pull at the reader in a way that words may not. We should look to the value that can be found in such approaches to telling stories and sharing experiences. What our eyes see in the pictures creates experiences that words may not.

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Life! New and Improved!

It is one thing to say that being a Christian means being a nice person and trying to live with a certain set of values and ideals, but what if we look at the center of the Christian faith, the resurrection, and to consider how the resurrection impacts those morals, values, and the very ways that we live. We are not just called to be good people, but to be people who see the world differently, to see the world with a potential for redemption because of the resurrection.

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